Saturday, March 20, 2010

Day 79 First Day of Spring - Happy Birthday to Me

photo credit *Ann Gordon@flickr

Ah! The day we've all been waiting for: The First Day of Spring. I'm so excited I can hardly stand it but it gets even better 'cause it's also my birthday. I feel like I kinda won the birthday lottery by getting a special day of the year on top of it. Not to mention the fact it's a special day sans interference. It's not like it's Christmas or Easter where I have to share my day with a holiday that's more important. Not that there's anything wrong with it if your birthday falls on a big deal special holiday!

While I'm here I'll perpetuate my observation that a person's seasonal preference tends to run the lines of the season in which you were born. Love spring? You may be a spring baby. Love summer? You're probably a summer baby. If Fall is your favorite season, like my BFF Lori, you were born in the fall most likely. I'm not going to talk about winter 'cause I'm so over it :D At any rate, see if it holds true for you.

My plans are to relax today, maybe swim and then go out to dinner with my friend later and kick back tonight. Mostly though, just do whatever I want - which is pretty much nothing. No kid this weekend - she's at a friends having fun so nice for me to just do nothing...



  1. Happy Birthday Annette!! Hope you had a fantastic day.

  2. Yes! I'm a fall baby, and I love it - favorite. Happy Birthday! (Oh, and too funny about your Yay at the bottom. I have the exact same Yay at the bottom of my post on Spring! lol!)

  3. Oakley, thank you!!!

    Tenise! It's so good to see you. LOL at the YAY! I think winter was a wee bit too long this year!!!
