Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Day 76 Taking Matters into My Own Hands

photo credit Mondopanno@flickr

Okay the gloves are off. I'm TIRED of being TIRED. Waaaay tired.

It's been 4 months since my hysterectomy and as per my doctor I have not taken anything to supplement for the first 4 months due to the endometriosis die off, which I agree with.

But now I feel I need something since the exhaustion is so bad. I will not ever take anything made by big pharma but I will consider natural alternatives. I have the book, "The Menopause Thyroid Solution" by Mary J. Shoman and today I decided to take up some of her suggestions because as pointed out by my 12 year old, no matter how much I sleep (and it's epic...) I never feel any better and I really should be feeling great on this diet. I know it's not the diet making me this tired. How do I know this? First of all, everyone else I know on this diet feels great and secondly, oranges and bananas do not typically turn people into unruly little green monsters with alternating crying and screaming fits! *laugh* *laugh* *laugh*

So today I ordered some Royal Maca Plus. There are two versions and the book highly recommends the Whole World Botanical brand. I chose the 'plus' because I had trouble with cysts and it is more helpful for those with estrogen problems. It helps even those out more. I'm also going to try sub-lingual progesterone. When you take it in pill form, your liver is affected. When you rub it on your skin in cream form, it can build up in your fat tissues. If you take it sub-lingually it is absorbed more readily and doesn't encounter the liver like a pill would or build up in your fat stores.

I can't wait. I don't want to drag my body through one more long, hard day. I'll let you know how it goes. I will add that as long as I stay on my diet I do not have any hot flashes, but let me eat something off my diet and BLAM - you could fry an egg on my skin! So, the diet is a good thing. I just need some hormone help since I have no ovaries to provide what my body needs and maybe I should do something about it before homicidal tendencies set in!

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