Tuesday, February 16, 2010


photo credit Tgrab.@flickr

I don't know how many days I've been snowed in - what 39 now? Okay, so it's just been two days with freedom tomorrow, but I can tell you I'm really sick of it despite growing up in a ski village. Maybe it's the 12 year old who is making it such a remarkable experience or perhaps the screaming poodle who cannot even begin to fathom why his grassy knoll has vanished. Even the hamster seems crabby.

I've taken this opportunity to clean out my pantry and fridge even further. Unlike every other year that I've been snowed in, I'm not craving chocolate. That's pretty much a mandatory staple in snow conditions. Unfortunately, my daughter announced on an hourly basis that we had nothing to eat all day despite the fact we have plenty of food. Thanks to the lack of junk food she was reduced to eating a banana and several oranges and proclaimed them yummy. Well imagine that.

I should have put some time in on the treadmill today but I didn't feel like it. I didn't really feel like doing much of anything. I didn't eat enough calories today and I didn't get my exercise, but it's a process. I did review my nutrition and made some corrections, which is really important on any diet. We all need to be responsible for our own nutrition. No book or guru or blog can take complete care of you. You have to be the most important part of your good health.

I think as the weather warms up all the starts and stops and difficult days will melt away into a much easier time.

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