Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Day 52, 53, 54

photo credit: my daughter

I see it's been a few days. If you've read, I've been sick. I'm still standing. I'm just tired. I'm usually tired all the time but now I'm really tired - LOL. Wasn't sure I could be more tired than I was but apparently I'm wrong. Certainly wouldn't be the first time.

I'm not giving up. I'm just giving myself some time off from the computer.

I wish I could have been a little further along in this so I'd be stronger. I see that's not the plan. Still, I'm here. Eating bananas. Juicing oranges. Staying in bed as much as I can when my daughter is at school.

Speaking of which, most children grace the home fridge with colorful artwork. Mine posts warning notices. I have to wonder what sort of career she's headed for.

Stay tuned.


  1. Was she suggesting that "Mom" can't eat anything from the refrigerator?? WTF? Um, who bought all of that food? :rolleyes: Teenagers ...

  2. LOL She was reminding herself not to share her food with me or drink from my cup, etc. You'd think at age 12 she'd finally be done with drinking from my cup..! What's really absurd is we really don't eat the same things so she has no risk. I don't drink the milk that's there, I really don't eat anything that's in there except the spinach and tomatoes and she doesn't eat those!
