Sunday, January 17, 2010

Day 17 My Non-Problem

Lori, BFF, informs me I am the proud owner of a non-problem. Anytime anyone loses weight and has a problem along these lines they're really sporting nothing more than a non-problem.

She's right. Nonetheless, I'm going to gripe about it anyway :)

I've become the Goldilocks of the bathing suit world. I realized a few days ago when my sleek form fitting Speedo racing suit was acting more like a thong bikini and riding up (and down) in all the wrong places that it had perhaps gotten a tad too big. After registering a 20 lb/20 inch loss it drove the point home to me even further. It's too big.

Never to fear. I've had a smaller suit waiting in the wings for about 4 years. Shut up. I gleefully popped it on this morning only to discover it's too small.

Great. My choice is to expose my derriere and breasts, or have the fat on my back poke out in a way that may qualify me for front page inclusion over at the By the way, the Bride of Chucky is my fav of the day.

At around $45 a pop, a new suit just isn't in the cards. I also realized I'm going to repeat this scene a few time over until I reach the promised land. Even if suits were $20, it's just not in the cards. Maybe I need a Speedo fund or something. Maybe Speedo will sponsor me. Anyone less than 6 degrees from someone important at Speedo? Let me know. Yeah, right. Speedo is gonna sponsor some fat chick who swims a half a mile 3 x a week.

I chose the latter and headed off to the pool. While there were children screaming and running away, I finally realized it wasn't at me. It was baby day at the pool. Whew. Now if I can stay out of Walmart I'll be home free.

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