Thursday, January 21, 2010

Day 21 Week 3

3 weeks? It seems a lot longer! LOL! Not in a bad way, though today was like forever and a year, but not due to my food.

I've lost 8 pounds since the first week of the New Year and 20 pounds total since last year. I've also lost 20 inches, and those are from January 1st to date.

For week 3 I've walked 4.7 miles, swam 1.5 miles and have eaten 36 bananas. To date I've walked 13.4 miles, swam 4.16 miles and have eaten 76 bananas. Who knew?

This has been a pretty rough week. Lots going on and many distractions and lots of stress. Hopefully next week won't kill me like this one did. It was just a series of unfortunate events.

I admit to be pretty banana obsessed. I'm always buying them, always carrying one or two, always on the look out for the correct ripeness and always worrying I won't be able to get them if I need them.


Other than that, things are fine. I'm hoping the next week is a little better though. I still need to eat more, get a little more organized and not do bad things to myself like try food I shouldn't be eating. Hopefully lesson learned.

But still, progress. 3 weeks down, 49 to go!

Here's the most current before and after face shot:


  1. OMG! I can see the weight loss in your face. You are so beautiful! Keep up the good work. I too am addicted to bananas. lol. A little green, no brown - if they turn too yellow, they are used for protein shakes.

  2. Hi Ms. Oakley! Thank you for your kind post! It's great to see you here. I hear you picked up a copy of 80/10/10 - I am so proud! Let me know if I can help!!! xoxoxoxo!

  3. That photo is so astounding. On top of losing large amounts of sheer volume in your face, your skin looks way better, your eyes are clearer, you look happier, and you look younger! Win-win-win-win-win!!
