Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Day 26 Human Experimentation

Right. That would be ME. I thought I'd update on some instances of cause and effect. I've done a few intentional and unintentional food experiments. Here's the low down and results of those. Standard TMI warnings may apply.

My first experiment came when I reached the end of my salad dressing rope. Many days into this I decided I would just HAVE salad dressing. I mean, everything else has been so perfect and I'm really disliking dry salad or lemon salad. I wanted real dressing. How bad could that possibly be?

So, I picked Newman's Creamy Caesar. In retrospect, that probably wasn't the best choice. I admit it was fairly yummy, though salty, but I never expected what happened immediately next.

My tummy bloated to the MOON. I mean, like Elasti-girl in all the wrong places. I was 27 months pregnant and counting all over again.

Wow. I was astonished. Anytime my belly bloated this badly was due to my 'candida' and only if I ate the mother-lode of candida reactive choices: a donut. All at once the chapter on Candida in 80/10/10 hit me right between the eyes. It's NOT the sugar - it's the FAT. Yep, it is. I've battled 'candida' for YEARS. Had doctors giving me all kinds of things, spent all kinds of money on cures, denied myself fruit, sugar, wheat, you name it and it *never ever ever* went away.

That's because it's NOT SUPPOSED TO GO AWAY. We ALL have candida. It's actually a necessary thing. OH YES IT IS. What is NOT necessary is the quantity of FATS we eat in our diets, totally whacking out our candida levels, bloating us to infinity and beyond.

Don't believe me? I just lived it. The main 'ingredient' in that salad dressing was FAT. Not wheat, not sugar - but FAT. I'd never made this connection before. I'd eat a donut and it'd be all over. My daughter would marvel at my magically expanding belly. Having been told by everyone that claimed to know that it was the sugar, yeast and wheat, I believed that. No one ever said it's because of the FAT! Additionally, I've been eating large amounts (by any regular person's standards) of fruit all month and lost TWELVE inches off my waistline, and have had no more bloating until the fateful (fatful?!) salad dressing day. So, it's NOT the sugar. It's not the sugar at all.

Still skeptical? Do you have candida and want to finally understand your bloating? Read 80/10/10 and stop being a physical and financial victim of candida FOREVER. Incidentally the salad dressing wasn't long lived. It made me real sick and I was glad when that was all over. Ew. I like fresh squeezed tangerine juice on my salads now, thankyouverymuch.

The 2nd experiment was also kinda accidental. I did not expect this really, really cute guy to be handing out samples of little espresso chocolate thingies at Whole Foods. His eyes were blue and his smile engaging and he placed a little cup right in my hand and well yeah, I ate it. It was two very small little cluster things, smaller than the size of a dime. I didn't think much about it until I was laying in bed 4 hours later unable to sleep the entire night. I've not had caffeine for weeks and my body is so much more sensitive to things I eat now. I hadn't even thought of the caffeine load, much less that it would rob me of an entire night's sleep. Lesson learned - NO chocolate or caffeine or chocolate/caffeine!

The 3rd experiment was intentional, sort of. I was visiting Martin who somehow won the burger lottery at McDonald's prior to my arrival. Something had happened in line and they 'made it up to him' by giving him multiple extra cheeseburgers. He offered me one and I declined and reminded him I don't eat that. He apologized but then said, "Do you think it will taste different to you now?" I thought for a minute. I figured it would and said, "Okay, let me see for the purpose of experimentation." Maybe you don't know how far you've come if you never go back to see. Kinda like spending the weekend at mom and dads where you realize it's not only as bad as you remember, it's worse, and suddenly you feel much better for the choices you've made.

OMG - I just don't have words to describe what happened. Not only was it the most massively salty thing I've ever tasted, it felt gritty as if it was just rolled in salt. It was as if someone had poured pure salt all over every inch of it. I spit it out; it was absolutely not edible at all. I knew it would be salty but didn't expect it to be that salty. What shocked me more, however, was the grainy feel. I took the rest of the sandwich apart and looked at it again and again, expecting to see it covered in salt granules. I figured maybe this sandwich was faulty or something. It just had to be. I've never had one feel like this before. I saw nothing, it looked as they always do. I touched it. I could not detect salt granules on my fingers. Really, really weird.

Then a few days later I came across an article that talked about the Window Cleaning Chemicals in Fast Food Hamburger Meat. You might want to check that out and save yourself while you can. I admit to being doubly sorry I went back home again, even if it was just to poke my head in the door! *gag* Makes visiting mom and dad with all the cigarette smoke and alcoholism seem preferable. Hmmm well okay maybe not. I'll pass on both.

My other bad experiments simply involve me getting too much fat in my diet, either at my own hands or at others. I never realized what that load really felt like until I got away from it. It's heavy. It's tiring. It takes your body forever to process too much fat and it does bad things with the other foods you eat as well. It's these long processing times that rob us of our energy and bring on fatigue. There is no fat that's immune, it includes even those that we think of as 'good fat'. Olive oil is not your friend. It's the friend of the man who sells olive oil. The fats in nuts and seeds in too great of quantities are not your friend, either. They bog your system. They tie up the sugars eaten with them and prevent them from exiting your blood in a timely manner - thus creating blood sugar problems. Everyone blames the sugar but the truth of the matter is - it's the FAT!

Sadly, many vegetarians, vegans, raw vegans & raw foodists are consuming 60% to 80% fat in their diets. They're doing more harm to themselves than someone on a Standard American Diet which logs 35-40% fat at that point. If you're eating veg, go track your food online and see for yourself how much fat you're getting and while you're at it, do yourself a favor and get the whole story - read 80/10/10. It will change how you think about food. The pieces will finally make sense and you'll be astonished at the bill of goods we've been sold all these years, mostly for reasons that line other people's pockets.


  1. Hi Annette,
    I definitely agree about the McDonalds mystery meat, and know that once you start eating healthy, you really taste all the chemicals in "regular" food. Yuck! I have battled with candida myself, so I had to look up the salad dressing and see what was in it! It does have vegetable oil as the first ingredient but there are still plenty of sweeteners and vinegar - which also feeds candida. So I'm not onboard about the "fats" argument there, but I don't believe "vegetable oil" is good for anyone any way (as is soybean oil/canola oil). Coconut oil is shown to kill candida, so I'm not sure how healthy oils can be bad for it. Of course, moderation in everything. You are doing a great job of staying healthy, and don't get sucked into those cute-guy handing out samples or I wonder if temptations lol! Moon

  2. Moon, I could have and would have said all the things you just said. Read the book. It's really worth it. Even if you just read the chapters on fats, blood sugars and candida. If sugars were inflating my candida I could never eat the amount of fruit I'm eating now. Plus I just lost 12 inches off my belly, something I could *never* do before.

  3. Ok - I will check it out but not right now. Too bad it isn't in any of my local libraries! Gotta get a job soon - I would have ordered it for my library if this was a few months ago (was a librarian and will be one again - one of these days!).
