Thursday, January 28, 2010

Day 28 Week 4

I've lost 9 pounds since the first of the New Year and 21 pounds total since last year (November). I've also lost more than 20 inches now. There will be an update with timeline pics on the 31st on all that.

For week 4 I've walked 3.5 miles, swam .25 miles and have eaten 29 bananas. To date I've walked 16.9 miles, swam 4.5 miles and have eaten 105 bananas. Okay, that made me laugh! It so weird now I go into Whole Foods and think nothing of grabbing multiple bunches of organic bananas, in various stages of ripeness. People look at me funny. Then again, they did before I started buying bananas. Shut up. LOL

This week has also been hard again on the home front and with stress. I've felt low energy but also didn't eat as much and I did not get as much exercise, either. I've not slept that well for a variety of factors. Some related to me and some not. I have some really big things on my mind and it's pretty much consuming my every thought. I feel a little distracted!

I'm a little concerned about my calcium and my friend Joyce who is a nurse reminded me of magnesium. I need to check those levels in my nutrition but I did take some liquid calcium and magnesium today. We'll see if the jittery sleep goes away. Being post surgery, my body may need more calcium and it's not as easy to get. I just don't want to put my bones at risk. Over time I will probably find ways to solve all this without supplements.

I stocked up on a bunch of new fruit and ate a lot more today and will continue to do so. Actually, it was really good. I had a 'perfect' day of eating and want to make sure it stays that way. I really like my salads with fresh squeezed tangerine juice, it's yummy and I'm glad I think I've made it over the salad dressing hurdle. Whew.

The biggest strides are made when you fully give into this. Can't wait for the Sunday weigh, measure and update.

4 weeks down, 48 to go!

1 comment:

  1. The phrase "fresh squeezed tangerine juice" makes my mouth water. That sounds SO incredibly delicious!! T minus 3 for me, and I'm so ready! :)
